Accountability first Innovation next

Hey there! Are you curious about something? Curious to know something? Curious to do something? 🤓 Curiosity of human is the key for the civilisation and the development of humankind. Once upon a time curiosity of us as a baby, made us know everything we know today.

But…. Hold on! There is a saying “excess of anything ruins”. We all have some kind of justification for what we did, and a reason for what we are going to do.

So, we should know or learn our limits. But how to know? 🤔 Just ask your mom or dad how they buy groceries for house 💁🏻‍♂️. It is simple as that.

My field of study and practice is computer engineering and that made me think about this. As per my philosophy there is a normal curve for real profit vs advancements in technology. Real profit here means the actual betterment in all forms minus compromises we made directly and indirectly.

real profit vs advancements in technology

With the time there were lot of innovations and technological advancements joined in our daily life to solve some basic problems. So that opened a big market for many people to innovate and invent. Unfortunately most of them are opportunists 🥺. In early days, there were problems, and people identified, analysed and then produced solutions. But once the big market is opened, just for the sake of learning new things out of curiosity (the heartbeat of humankind) or to showcase their talent or just for few bucks those opportunists started searching for problems and developed (and developing) new solutions with less than 10% responsibility and zero accountability.

I don’t say that all the new things are bad or forcibly projected as solution for a problem. But, many problems those are being solved by technology nowadays can actually solved by the means of simple human activities 😅.

Saving the valuable time or increasing productivity of users are some key justifications for innovative technologies. Have you ever thought what are we doing with that ‘saved time’? Still many of us don’t find time to make a call and speak to our relatives and parents don’t find enough time to play with their kids 🤷🏻‍♂️. Then do you think the solution provided by the new technologies actually solved the problem?

The cycle that can be seen by naked eyes is:

Cycle of tech revolutions

To conclude this, I don’t say curiosity to learn new things is not good because that’s what drives the earth. We should learn, explore and innovate but should always be responsible and accountable when we bring those to lives of public. Life on earth is so beautiful don’t destroy your life as well as others’ life just for money at the end of the day.

Have a look at The Good, The Bad, The Ugly of Innovation Policy - by Stephan J Ezeil & Robert D Atkinson